Before and After Photos
These pictures only show a handful of the places I've worked.
I've helped people with spaces that are both far worse and much better than these "before" pictures show. Whether the "before" state of your home is worse or better than the spaces shown here, I can help you create the "after" state you dream of.
Do You Have to Get Rid of Things to Get Organized?
Some people believe a professional organizer focuses on getting rid of things. Although each item is worth evaluating - considering its usefulness and value to you, your life, and your vision for the future, it's far from the most critical step.
Creating your "after" relies on setting things up in a useful, functional, and organized way that works for you and your space more than throwing lots of stuff out.
Home Organizing Services
Find out more about how I can help organize your space.
Get Started Now
Contact me today and get started creating the space you want.
Who needs a professional organizer?
Anyone who feels that they need or want help dealing with any or all of their spaces can benefit.
If someone feels stuck and is having problems completing or even setting up an area, having a professional organizer come in can help get past the difficulty. Sometimes it’s simply wanting someone by your side as you deal with the stuff.
Many people who think that only “hoarders” need an organizer. In fact, you do not need piles of stuff around to benefit from working with a professional organizer. What it comes down to is that if you think you could need assistance, a professional organizer can help, no matter how small or large the struggle.
She was fantastic! I felt absolutely no judgement from her.
Her questions and comments were designed to help me decide what I needed to keep or throw out. It has been a few months since she was here and I am still able to keep the areas clean and organized.
Your guidance in setting up a system that continues to work for me has made so much difference in my day-to-day life.
Thank you for the help and motivation to get my apartment and storage unit organized.
Her services are worth every penny.
I love that she persisted and didn’t stop when things were good enough – she kept going until they were great.
Jennifer was empowering and provided lots of ideas and encouragement…
…to make the steps necessary to keep my home more manageable. Her emphasis is on “what works” and what is sustainable.
Jennifer gives you the tools and skills to bring peace to a a cluttered home.
She gave us great, yet simple and inexpensive ideas as well as helped us start organizing our chaos of a garage.
Loving What You Own
When was the last time you looked around your home with a critical eye? Do you truly love and value the things that you have out in your home? What about the items that you have in boxes?
The things that you keep take up valuable space, whether they are out where you can see them or if you put them into containers and rarely look at them. Too often, we become blind to the items around us, they fade into the background and we do not even think about them.
It is challenging to take that emotional step backwards to evaluate your belongings. Yet, if they are not dearly loved, is there a good reason to keep them?
You deserve to be surrounded by things that make you happy and content. The items that you decide to store need to be valuable to you, worth the space that they require for storage. More and more people are renting storage units as their homes are getting too filled with stuff. Do you want to be one of those people?
I challenge you to try to reevaluate the things you have in your home regularly since our feelings and thoughts about things are constantly changing and evolving. If someone you knew said they would really like such and such, would you mind giving it to them? If so, you likely do not need to keep that item and finding a better home for it would clear up your space in the process.